Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Spanish Steps

Here are a couple of the All Blacks, who trounced Italy I might add, preparing to go back home to New Zealand.  
We made a 3:00 reservation for the Villa Borghese and then took a taxi to the Spanish Steps, another Roman landmark.
I've forgotten how many steps...a lot.
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Successfully at the bottom and headed toward the Piazza del Popolo.

I love signs. 
Art comes in many people actually wear these shoes?
Posted by PicasaWe did make our 3:00 reservation at the Villa Borghese, which was right around the corner from our hotel.  What a taste of how the rich and famous lived around the 16th century.  We were not allowed to carry anything into the rooms--no purses, bags, cameras, nothing--strictly enforced.  While we were waiting to get in, I noticed a woman who had not checked her bag and I was wondering what would happen.  She was turned away.  I'm sure she got in, but not until the bag was checked and she went to the back of the line.  

So I have no pictures, but I would encourage you to Google the Villa Borghese to catch a glimpse of some of the most magnificent rooms, paintings and sculpture in the world.

A Day in Florence

Well, this is still Rome, but I wanted to show you. This is Rafael's famous painting The School of Athens, in the Vatican Museum.
Me, in front of the Roman Forum
THIS is Florence.  We took a high speed train from Rome to Florence to spend the day. I was amazed at this first glimpse of the Cathedral.  Truly magnificent.
And so many shops with artful decor.  This was a snack bar if you can believe it.
Florence after dark
And safely delivered back to Rome on this sleek bit of transportation engineering
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