By the second day we had realized that our greatest resource was Mickey, the head concierge at the Harbour Grand. The first day we ate at his recommended restaurant in the neighborhood and then walked back to the hotel to catch a taxi for the city center. The second day we decided to eat at the same restaurant because of the excellent pork dumplings but also because some dishes would be available that were not available the day before. We asked Mickey what he would recommend we do after and he said to take the MTR, the Metro, to Kowloon. Oh no, we said, we're only here for a short time and we don't want to try to learn the metro. Easy! he said. You can do it! So....after lunch, with a bit of fear and trep, we entered the incredible underground that is the Hong Kong subway system. As instructed by Mickey, we found the ticket machines, followed the screen directions, and (with a little help from one of our many angels in the city) purchased our one-way tickets to the Buddhist temple in Kowloon. Negotiating the actual train was a whole new experience--follow the signs, hope for the best, and magically we were on the correct train. We actually had to change trains in a couple of stops and we managed it, and within 20 minutes we were emerging from the underground into the daylight and there was the temple! This would have taken at least an hour by taxi and cost god-knows-what.
You have no idea of the sense of accomplishment this small achievement created! We spent the next two days transferring ourselves from place to place via this amazing system of transportation. If you ever go to Hong Kong, don't hesitate to give it a try.
When we got back to the hotel we told Mickey about our day and he said "I knew you could do it. I wouldn't recommend this to everyone, but I knew you could do it." He is a beautiful man. Thank you Mickey although you will never read this.